You may be wondering how to incorporate your BEAM Minerals products into your health routine? We recommend the following best practices:
- BEAM Minerals are so gentle that they can be taken on an empty stomach and during intermittent fasting. As always, you need to determine what works best for you.
- BEAM Minerals can be taken at any time of the day. Most people prefer taking the products as part of their morning supplementation practices.
- For the first week, do not change your other supplementation. It is usually best to make changes gradually to give your body some time to adjust.
- Start by taking 1 fl. oz. (approximately one capful) of Electrolyze™ and Micro-BOOST™ daily. BEAM Minerals is 100% bio-available and most people feel a boost very quickly! Do not worry if you don't feel anything right away, just keep taking them! Everyone’s body is unique and yours may need a little more time to respond.
- Listen to your body! If you think you need more electrolytes and minerals, take an extra half to a full ounce of Electrolyze™ and Micro-BOOST™.
- During the second week you can begin to taper off on your other electrolyte supplementation – this is optional of course! Once your system has adjusted, you may not need any other electrolyte or micro-nutrient supplementation.
- After two weeks you can move to a maintenance mode and take 1/2 oz (approximately 1/2 capful) of Electrolyze™ and Micro-BOOST™ daily.
- If you are super active or engage in intense workouts, you probably burn more electrolytes. Try adding an extra 1/2 oz (approximately 1/2 capful) of Electrolyze™ before your workouts and experience the difference.
- If you still have cramping or body aches, try using BEAM Minerals Insta-Lytes™. Just spray it on for an instant electrolyte infusion exactly where you need it. Spray directly on muscles before or after workouts to reduce soreness caused by lactic acid build-up.