BEAM Minerals Wholesale Account products are shipped by BEAM Minerals (

BEAM Minerals will provide shipment tracking information for all orders.

If for any reason we are unable to track your shipment to its assigned delivery point, we will reship your order at no additional cost to the customer.

If shipped orders are lost, damaged, spoiled, stolen, or returned by the shipper, BEAM Minerals will accept the cost of reshipment of the order, unless:

  • The person ordering the shipment entered the shipping address incorrectly
  • There has been an “Act of God”, such as an earthquake, flood, fire, etc.


In the event of an “Act of God”, or incorrect shipping address, the customer/member will be expected to
pay for the replacement order, prior to the order being reshipped.

If shipped orders have been unreasonably delayed, redirected or re-routed by the shipping carrier, through no fault of the customer or BEAM Minerals, BEAM Minerals will re-issue and re-ship the delayed order if it is determined that the delay is beyond a simple delay, and seek redress from the shipping company responsible for the loss.


For Wholesale Order Support, or to inform us of a lost shipment:

Phone: 1 (800) 484-0191

NOTE: We will attempt to track the shipment. If the shipper shows the order as having been delivered, the customer/member will need to pay for the replacement order, prior to the order being reshipped.